We have compiled your Frequently Asked Questions here.

If you have additional questions, please click here to access our full Q&A.

If you’re unable to find the answers you need, there is also an opportunity to ask your own questions.
Your contribution will help us to continuously update the Syensqo Q&A.

1. TSA Job Applications

Where will TSA jobs be advertised?

Who can apply for a TSA job ?

When can I apply?

What if I miss the window to apply via the internal job board?

If I miss the internal window to apply, can I apply via the external website?

How do I apply for a TSA job?

Can I apply using my Solvay email address?

How long will the TSA / internal job be posted for?

Do I need to inform my line manager of my application?

When I apply, will there be any pre-screen questions in the application?

Can I apply for more roles than one – or a different role that I have today?

2. Selection process

When will I hear back on my application?

Will I be considered alongside external applications?

How will candidates be selected?

If I don’t get selected, what happens next?

What if I am on leave when the interviews are scheduled?

3. Three-party Agreement

What do I need to agree to before an offer is made?

What does a “Three-Party Agreement” mean ?

4. Job offer

When an offer is presented to me, what do I do?

If I decline the offer, what happens next?

5. Employment contract

When will I start my new role at Syensqo?

6. Workplace and other topics

Will Syensqo GBS offices be located within Solvay offices?

When is the move to the new GBS centres planned?

Will I have to move to the new address immediately after joining Syensqo?

If I join Syensqo before the move, will I need to work from home?

In general, will it be possible to work remotely for Syensqo GBS? What is Syensqo’s homeworking policy?

When will the Head of Service Lines be appointed?

What if I have a query that is not on this list?